Jun Mochizuki Wiki


What I think from reading chapter 69 is that Oz is not Jack's reincarnation, but Jack himself. In chapter 69, Revis(previous Glen) says to Jack, "You're free to use her..." and her being Alice/Will of the Abyss. That kind of explains why Oz can use Alice's power freely... Jack also told him that he has the right to... Revis goes on and talks about how the Baskervilles thought that Alice was Lacie returned to them as a child. Isn't that a possible justification for Oz being Jack's younger self with whom the Duke of Vessalius switched his baby, and the Duke, being a mysterious member of the Baskerville household, already knows Oz is Jack? He tells Oz abominable things, which one would not say to his son... unless the son is not blood related(everybody remembers talk Barma and Break had?)


Jack will not let Oz get killed whatsoever because they are the same person... "Free to use"=Hand of the clock seal doesn't have to move when Oz uses Alice's power? Break told Oz that finding out the Truth of Sabrie might save him... Isn't that what the recent chapters were about?

